Cinderella´s Movie
This story begins by narrating about a very old town and there was a life of a widowed woman who lived with her daughters. there appears she who lives in the basement of the house and is the house servant and her stepsisters call her "cinderella" h she likes to make dresses. There is Prince Robert who is looking for a bride to become her wife, she was preparing a dress for a parade but she could not use it because they lived said that she if she used that and it will lower the social status of she. when they arrive because of her short stature she sits on the statue of the king's father and then robert disguises himself to go unnoticed by the town until he finds her selling her dress and he buys it for her at triple what it is worth, then robet convince her to go to the dance. On the day of the dance, she is ready and Vivian tells her that she cannot go because she is already engaged with shots and they stain the dress that she made. After singing she meets a butterfly that becomes her ad godmother who turns her beast into a beautiful pink color, a box into a carriage and the mice that humans kept her company but the fairy told her that magic disappeared at 00:00 am. When he arrives at the dance he meets a queen who likes his dress and who sees her tomorrow at 4:00 pm then he finds out about Robert's lie but they forgive him and start dancing after spending time together he tells her that he wants her to be his prince but she rejects her, then the bells that indicate twelve o'clock ring she runs off throwing a shoe. After a family argument, the king agrees that he does not marry and Robert goes from house to house to find her. She escapes from her house, on the way he meets Robert and they kiss. and he reminds him of the date with the queen and she accepts. Robert praises her to her father and they tell her that before they get married they want to travel the world then there the king says that his daughter who they missed was going to do the queen and she leaves where she was listening to what they were talking about. on the day of the coronation they made her known. then she forgives Vivian and they end with a final song.
message left by the movie
- that you do not leave your dreams, and you always perceive them in the face of the obstacles that life presents.
Robert (the prince)
- He is a person who does not know how to be a prince and how to approach Ela.
Vivian (stepmother)
- He is a super arrogant person who cares what society says.
- the fairy godmother is a butterfly that fulfilled a dream for Ela.
Parents Prince
- the prince's parents are people who at first believe that their son has to marry out of obligation and then understand that it is out of love.
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